Ancestral Health & Healing Facilitator *TM ~ Training
Date(s) - 07/11/2025 - 07/13/2025
All Day
Ancestral Health & Healing Facilitator 
Ready to step into the becoming a Systemic Facilitator of Relational Health & Healing?
Working Alongside Andrea, You Learn to:
- Initiate & Facilitate Personal & Family Constellations to release chronic and/or persistent conditions in the physical, mental or relational body for Others
- Practice within a team body of students & colleagues
- Belong to an online constellation group to engage, receive and deepen
- Assist in 2 live events at your own choosing (March, June or October)
- Facilitate and/or Co-Facilitate an event of your own choosing (March, June or October)
- Participate in weekly teachings:
- Relational Blueprint ~ the foundation of Healing Movements
- Orders of Love & Success
- Spiritual Dimensions of Health & Healing ~ Embodiment, Oaths, Curses, Binds
- Participate in bi~weekly practice sessions ~ guided
- video recordings with each of the learning blocks
- Class recordings available if you miss one.
- Take priority on my scheduling for additional personal and/or professional needs
- Become part of the network of ‘Ancestral Health & Healing Facilitators” and establish long-lasting peer support
- Join the supervision group as part of your graduation for (18 months as part of your tuition)
Group format: Within a small group (7-11 participants) you meet regularly on Zoom (Thursday morning ~ 10 to 12:30 am EST), practice with one another on a bi-weekly basis, come to in person weekend retreats, be part of the monthly online constellation group for 1 year, receive online learning blocks while also being eligible to provide assistance in 2 additional in person events of your own choosing. All in all: you find plenty of support and opportunities to practice your skill of Facilitating Ancestral Health & Healing with clients 1:1 or in group. Class recordings available if you miss one.
Ancestral Health & Healing embodies and represents THE the most effective skills and medicine I have encountered in over 30 years of practicing, training and mentorships. My own Team and Guidance continues to encourage me to avail myself as a Teacher, Healer and Voice of the Ancestral Realms, and I am happy to offer you this 18-month accelaration course to become an Ancestral Health & Healing Faciltiators for Others.
Graduation includes live presentations and case studies along the way.
Are you ready to explore and discover Ancestral Health & Healing for Your Self?
Systemic Constellations Training includes:
- Relational Web of Humans, Families, Tribes & Cultures
- Systemic Integrity as a Professional providing for others.
- Transformational Competence in working with Clients – both in group and individually
- Field Competence – Engaging & Disengaging Fields in Therapeutic Process
- Contextual Competence: present context inside a healing process and biographical context
- Leadership Skills in Work, Life, Therapy
- Transformational Leadership in generational and biographical trauma release (requires level 3 to be completed)
- A network of peers for years to come
- and some fun along the way – including personal work and support.
Training´s pre-requisite: Personal Systemic Constellation experience, Geno-Chart-Process™: Ancestral Identity, Field Technology and Ritual as offered in Level 1 and 2(or comparable)
Professionals of diverse methodological backgrounds are welcomed – Psychotherapy, Energy Modalities, Psychology, Body-Work, Social-Work, Teachers, Healers, Shamanic Practitioners, Mediums, Psychics, Human-Animal Relations, Veterinarians and more.
Bookings are closed for this event.