Systemic Constellation Work
Generational Healing is found most cecinctly through Systemic Constellations, a power-filled group process
releasing disconnects, illness’, dilemma’s and traumas for ancestors and the living alike.
What is Systemic Constellation Work?
“Systemic Constellations engage the unconscious and subconscious body memory to release biographical as well as trans-generational trauma.”
The process is designed to shed light and clarity onto what sustains a particular suffering, limitation, illness, or trauma. In doing so, conscious choice becomes available to the Seeker and Healing becomes available. Naturally supported by the Facilitator and the group that is present. In fact, each person present, receives a Healing Opportunity with each Constellation that is offered.
At the heart of the process resides the phenomenon of representation: other group members stand in as an element or person in the seekers life. In doing so, a picture arises for the Facilitator that speaks to the hidden binds holding a limitation, illness, trauma in place.
The process of Constellations is a group process. It’s full potency develops as an in-person process where one engages with both: a personal inquiry and the inquiries of others. In total, 9 repetitions proof to bring the greatest results to participants.
The combination of Ancestral Principles, Field technology and Listening to the unconscious and subconscious Body Memory is what makes Systemic Constellations unique and potent beyond imagining.
The resolution of chronic, stubborn, annoying and-or life-threatening limitations, symptoms, and relational challenges – All is Possible.
Once connectivity is re-established – healing is inevitable.
As part of the retreat all participants step into a collective ancestral field of connection and healing. Statistically – 70% of participants find themselves with great improvements just from being present; without ever working a personal question. Please note that this group process is not group therapy, nor does it require a retelling of traumatic events in front of a group.
Systemic Constellations shed light on disruptions preventing a healing movement in one’s physicality, emotions, spirit, or relations. Once connectivity is re-established, disruptions may vanish and set the stage for the most efficient form of healing = Self-Healing.
Read more about the Constellation Process:
Systemic Constellations are effective with:
Illness of physical Self ~ All chronic conditions receive relief and-or full healing possibility: Cancer, High Bood Pressure, Diabetes, Brain Injuries, Accidents, Skin Diseases, Teeth and Jaw related Issues, Bones,……
De-Activation of from sexual, psychic, ritual or physical abuse.
Infertility, Severe Loss, Autism, Addictions including heroin, cocaine, alcohol, gambling, etc.
Adoptions and all of its Healing Potential.
Suicidality, Cutting, Schizophrenia, Bipolarism, Anxiety, Depressions, Panic and Fear related challenges ~ mental illness in general receives a healing frame that may elicit less medication, certainly absense of crisis as well as full normalcy of life and relations.
Separation and Divorce, Family Rifts within Spouses, Parent-Children, Siblings, Chronic Bad Luck and-or limitations of success
On behalf of Animals, Land, and Nature * Animals often carry generational trauma for the humans they reside with. It is their love and devotion and it can be changed!

About Me
As a full-time international Teacher, Facilitator & Therapist with over 30 years of experience I am available to you in your desire for training, skill-building and Facilitation of Systemic Constellations & Healing.
My work and trainings are client-focussed and ritual-inclusive.
The unique gift I bring is my capacity to clearly name, structure and outline the complexity of Constellations, Field Technology, Group Process, Phenomenology and Systemic Integrity.
This gift is rooted in a firm devotion to the Healing of People: those alive today, those who came before us, our Decendants to be and here, in training: to you – as one who wishes to be off service to others. Welcome!
- Full-time international Facilitator since 1992: Germany, Europe, Canada, USA
- Full-time international Teacher & Trainer since 2002.
- Founder of the Geno-Chart-Process™, a tool to identify the Ancestral Purpose we hold as Individual People, in Families, as a Species.