Constellations supporting Intimacy

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Date(s) - 02/05/2026 - 02/08/2026
11:00 am - 2:30 pm


Are you looking to increase Intimacy?

Uncovering Intimacy and all it’s Potential

Online Healing Format

The Trilogy of Intimacy engages the nature~given foundation we hold as Humans to be in intimate connection: sexually, sensually and relationally. A blueprint for Intimacy is shared with you as part of this journey, making this exploration worth-your-while on a personal as well as professional level. Both is welcome.

Trilogy of Intimacy looks at the Union we Are through our Lineages: Body, Spirit, Ancestral and Self.

The love-affair with ourselves is one that effects how we deliver ourselves, our passions, our work, our life in this World. Naturally finding, renewing love & sexuality as one extension of this foundation.
Ultimately, this trilogy wishes to enlarge our ability to Act on the Devotion to Be a full part in this World ~ and with One Another. Illuminating a variety of relational realities to reach full capacity and freedom of expression.

Implications are:

    • Sense of Whole Self,
    • Trust in the Other,
    • Taking One’s Place in Intimacy
    • : personally & professionally.

I welcome Facilitators to this online format as a way of strengthing your place-holding in the World, in your Work, and in your Self.

Each day provides space for personal work.

11 days in total, starting with:

February 5-7, 2026 ~ 11 am to 2:30 pm

3 days in April ~ 4 days in June 2026





Registration Information

in the past 3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
I know the work as a representative

Are you experiencing any of the following: *
 Chronic Stress
 Compulsive Behavior(s)
 Compulsive Behavior
 Negative Self Talk
 Mood Swings
 Chronic Bad Luck
 Post Traumatic Stress
 Panic or Anxiety Attacks
 Sleep disruptions
 Drug Use
 Chronic Illness
 Sense of something missing
 Paranormal Experience
 Traumatic Loss

Energywork: reiki, healing touch, etc
Shamanic Work
something else

yes I have experienced constellations as a client
yes I have experienced constellations as a representative
this work is new to me
While it is new, I still wish to schedule a time



Booking Summary

x Participation
Total Price
Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.