About Me

As we re-establish Relation with Self, Others, with Body and Spirit – Self-healing is inevitable.
Andrea Bosbach Largent
What you may be looking for is a sense of who I am, how I was trained, what I am committed to and am passionate about.
My greatest passion in life are people & humanity. I remember watching adults when I was a tiny human: observing ever so intently and without any clinical sense (yet) – I concluded: much of what I was seeing in adult interaction was not their true nature.
I saw what they were doing, and I saw what they were actually wanting and became ever so fascinated with the gap between.
What is one’s true nature?
How does one return to one’s own nature, if strayed?
These questions remain a driver in my life today.
Andrea’s Curriculum Vitae
Andrea Bosbach Largent, MSW, SFT
- International Senior Facilitator & Trainer in Constellations
- Founder of the East Coast Intensive (2000)
- Shamanic Practitioner in the Norse Mysteries: Vala
- Animal-Human Facilitator
- Founder of the Astro-Constellation Process
- International Trainer in Constellations with the Coloured Fields
- Founder of the Geno-Chart-Processing(TM) for clinical application
- Creator and Guardian of the Facilitator Directory
- Systemic Family Therapist
- Masters in Social Work, Pedagogy and Holistic Healing
- Medium & Voice of the Ancestors
- Yoga Teacher
- Meditation Teacher
- Evolutionary and Transformative Astrology
- Past-Life Regression certified
- Reiki certified
- NLP certified
- Gestalt trained
- Swim & Dance Teacher
- Accounting, BA in Business Administration
My story
Combine these drivers with the intellect and boundless curiosity of an Aquarian and you’ll get a ferocious learner; a natural in systemic synthesis and application to whom a limitation is an invitation to study, to be puzzled, to explore. In my twenties, I launched a corporate career as an accountant – while I was very good at, it wasn’t relational enough for me. A new career was launched with the support of the Catholic University of Cologne in Germany. I graduated with a Masters in Social Pedagogy, Social Work, and Holistic Healing. Within those years, I also successfully gained a degree as a Systemic Family Therapist and met Family Constellations.
Wow! In meeting Family Constellations, my health improved to new hights, unimaginable before.
And my relationship with my Father went from being shattered to absolutely possible, later-on astonishingly beautiful to his death. A most heartfelt journey began for me, changing life in its entirety. I began studying Constellations from every angle possible at the age of 24 – the year was 1990.
In 1999 I moved from Germany to the USA, where Constellation Work was barely known. I involved myself in building up a Professional Field with Constellations, brought teachers to America – ‘my’ teachers: Dr. Albrecht Mahr, Bert Hellinger, Claudia Mengel (now: Szombathy-Kraus), and Ulrich Bold.
Other studies and trainings of mine are: Curses, Oaths, Spirit-related Illness, Norse Mysteries/Seidr (Betsy Bergstrom), Past Lives, Karma, Yoga: hatha, classical, yin, Palmistry (Dr. Girish Yagidar), the Art of Ancestralization, Kotomble, and Ritual (Elder Malidoma Some), Transformative Astrology, Reiki, NLP, Tapping, Energy Medicine, Shamanic Paths (Carol Proudfoot-Edgar). And I continue to learn and grow. In 2018, I completed a 2 year training with Stephan Hausner (Illness and Soul).
Please, if your contribution as a teacher is not listed here, know, that I hold every class, every encounter in deep appreciation.
Meditation has been a lifelong friend – starting in childhood and all throughout, I remain an avid meditator. I love introspection, inquiry, and enjoy hermitting myself in regular cycles.
Let me go back to the beginning. I said I would share my passion and my commitment (check), my teachers (check), my training (check), and Who I am…
I am a compassionate and, at times courageous, human female, devoted and skilled to Relating in its True Nature.